Sunday, October 2, 2016

Adding Embedded Audio Files in Formative

I'm on an audio roll! Add audio files from Vocaroo ( to Formative (

Using OneNote for An Assignment to be Read Aloud

Many times accommodating learners who have oral administration for assignments can be challenging, not because reading assignments aloud is difficult, but because during the testing scenario quiet is often needed for other students so you don't want to disturb the class, keeping your eye on the rest of the class while also reading aloud is tricky, or sometimes students are embarrassed to ask for the accommodation. 

I was challenged by an inclusion teacher for a way to use tech to help with audio recordings and I came up with a way that is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Using OneNote from an online version of Office called Office 365 you (1) insert the assignment, (2) insert the audio, and (3) get a shareable link or QR code. Link to video.

Note: you can do it in the desktop version, but if you make it in the desktop version as of the time I am writing this, the uploaded file will not appear on the online. So we decided to solely use Office 365.