Saturday, June 14, 2014

Character Relationship Foldable with Textual Evidence for A Midsummer Night's Dream:

This foldable can easily be adapted for any novel, but fits perfectly with Act 1, scene 1 of Midsummer. So much of a character's motivation is rooted in how he/she feels about other characters, so exploring those relationships - particularly in this play - provides analysis of character motivation and how that fits into character decisions and contributes to the conflict. At the end of the text, refer back to the foldable to see how the relationships evolve. Students could easily select one evolved relationship of their choosing and then explain the evolution in a mini-essay with textual evidence. 
Short answer question: After finishing the text, go back and examine the Character Relationship Foldable. Which relationships remained the same? Which evolved? Select one of the relationships that evolved and in an essay - using textual evidence of course! - explain how the characters originally felt about each other, why their feelings changed, and what those end feelings were.